What We Believe

Our Beliefs

Kinder Kastle / HCS Christian School is a ministry of Harrisonville Community Church (HCC). HCC adheres to the following statements of faith which will be taught within the school. We understand and strive to bring those into our ministry who may or may not have these beliefs with the hope of sharing the truth of scriptures and the love of Christ – who gave His life that we all might live eternally with Him.


Having been given the ministry of reconciliation, we are ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 5:9, II Corinthians 5:18-20) Agreement with these Statements of Faith is a requirement for all staff, Board of Directors, and any volunteers in a position of influence with the students. Prior to the beginning of each school year, all staff and board members must sign an acknowledgment of their agreement with these beliefs.

At time of enrollment, all parents or those with legal supervision of the child being enrolled, must sign a document that they fully understand that these beliefs will be conveyed throughout the school year in classroom teaching, programs, chapel, and all other functions of the school.

Core Values

We believe that all children are a gift from God, created in the image of God for His glory and that the years of early childhood provide a unique opportunity to establish strong educational practices and lay the foundation for a life of faith in Christ according to Biblical principles. With that, we rely on these six core values each day in providing quality education to your children. 

Our Vision

A Christ-centered learning community for next generation leadership.

Our Mission

The mission of Kinder Kastle and Harrisonville Christian School is to glorify God in providing a solid educational foundation that prepares each student for future academic success. At KK and HCS, we work to develop Christ-like individuals who develop a lifelong love of learning and knowledge of God’s love and truth through His word.

Philosophy of Education

As image-bearers, we have the responsibility of developing a lifestyle of learning in regards to His truth revealed to us through creation, the Word, and life of Jesus Christ.  

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