What We Believe
Our Beliefs
Kinder Kastle / HCS Christian School is a ministry of Harrisonville Community Church (HCC). HCC adheres to the following statements of faith which will be taught within the school. We understand and strive to bring those into our ministry who may or may not have these beliefs with the hope of sharing the truth of scriptures and the love of Christ – who gave His life that we all might live eternally with Him.
The scriptures to be the infallible Word of God, our authority for salvation, life and practice. (II Timothy 3:16)
That God is one, eternally existing in three persons equally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (John 14:26, 15:26, I Peter 1:2)
That Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, was both human and divine. (Matthew 1:23)
In the personality and the deity of the Holy Spirit and that He convicts the world of sin and regenerates, indwells, baptizes, guides and teaches the believers. (John 14:26, Romans 8:16, I John 2:27)
That humanity fell into sin, bringing depravity and death upon the human race and all creation.(Romans 5:12, 6:23, 8:19)
That Jesus died on the cross, was resurrected back to life, and ascended into heaven – only to one day come back to earth for His church – His spotless bride. (Luke 24:46-47)
That God created man, male and female – in His image (Gen 1:27, 2:4-3:24) And that as a creation of God, we are to live our lives out as the person and gender He created. (Psalms 22:10, 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5, Matt 19:4)
That marriage is a spiritual union designed by God between one man and one woman (Gen 2:24, Matt 19:4-6)
That the world was created in a literal 6 days by God. (Genesis 1, Colossians 1:16)
That those who repent and believe should be baptized with water as a symbol of cleansing from sin, separation from the world, commitment to Christ and baptism with the Holy Spirit. (John 3:3, 3:5, Matt 28:19, Rom 6:1-4)
That the Church, which is the Body of Christ, is God’s plan to expand His Kingdom on earth and it is our desire to see our body reach out to all in Christian love. (Romans 12:5, Colossians 2:19)
Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, a free gift bestowed by God on those who repent and believe. (Eph 2:8-9, John 3:16)
That Jesus will personally return for His spotless and holy Bride, the Church; and that both the saved and the lost will rise again; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life with Christ and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation in hell. (Ephesians 5:27, Revelation 20:11-15, Matthew 25:31-34 & 41)
God has called us to be His peacemakers in a world of strife; that our lives are to be living examples.
Having been given the ministry of reconciliation, we are ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 5:9, II Corinthians 5:18-20) Agreement with these Statements of Faith is a requirement for all staff, Board of Directors, and any volunteers in a position of influence with the students. Prior to the beginning of each school year, all staff and board members must sign an acknowledgment of their agreement with these beliefs.
At time of enrollment, all parents or those with legal supervision of the child being enrolled, must sign a document that they fully understand that these beliefs will be conveyed throughout the school year in classroom teaching, programs, chapel, and all other functions of the school.
Core Values
We believe that all children are a gift from God, created in the image of God for His glory and that the years of early childhood provide a unique opportunity to establish strong educational practices and lay the foundation for a life of faith in Christ according to Biblical principles. With that, we rely on these six core values each day in providing quality education to your children.
Christ-Centered: We believe God has an active part of all aspects of our lives. Therefore, everything we do revolves around Jesus Christ. We use a biblically integrated curriculum, and prayerfully desire each student to know and love Christ in a personal relationship.
Individual Growth: We are committed to help children reach their potential through Christian academic curriculum. We believe that each child is valued, in the unique image of God with many gifts and talents. Each child deserves a plan to reach their full potential and we strive to provide individual attention to each student as well as a safe environment.
Educational Excellence: We strive to follow best practices in our teaching, utilizing current, relevant trends in education and integrating technology into the classroom.
Safety: We strive to provide for, and invest in, a safe environment, both physically, and emotionally for our staff and students
Family Partnership: We believe children and families of all faiths are accepted and loved unconditionally. We love that parents have chosen to entrust us with their children and it is our responsibility to be faithful in that trust. We partner with and support parents in the training and instructing.
Community Engagement: We encourage every student, family member and staff member to participate in community outreach. We partner with various local churches in raising a generation of spiritual leaders and Christ Ambassadors.
Our Vision
A Christ-centered learning community for next generation leadership.
Our Mission
The mission of Kinder Kastle and Harrisonville Christian School is to glorify God in providing a solid educational foundation that prepares each student for future academic success. At KK and HCS, we work to develop Christ-like individuals who develop a lifelong love of learning and knowledge of God’s love and truth through His word.
Philosophy of Education
As image-bearers, we have the responsibility of developing a lifestyle of learning in regards to His truth revealed to us through creation, the Word, and life of Jesus Christ.